全国服务热线: 18262108721


发布时间:2023-12-14        浏览次数:9        返回列表

我国出口的国际速递业务为基础,以更多更具特色的速递产品,能够为客户提供更广泛的国际物流方案和国际速递服务: 安全可靠,门到门的安全物流服务,可靠的递送时效; 手续简单,一个电话立即上门服务,烦琐的报关、转运、清关等手续全由我司完成; 费用低廉,专业的资源整合服务最大限度地降低您的物流成本; 先进的电子清关系统(EDI)、专业的关务知识及稳健、快捷的香港、广州、深圳三大机场的出口途径。规范的作业流程、严格的质量控制、及大型作业中心场地,准确、高效地处理您的每一件货件。本公司配有专业车队和高效的管理系统,多功能的运输方案、全球化的海、陆、空配送网络,真正成为全方位的综合物流服务商。公司服务理念:诚信为本、服务至上、求实进取、团结创新,以优加服务、客户至上的企业风格。 宝应县联邦快递取件电话,FedEx-CN宝应国际快递出口

Our customers are distributed in fields such as chemical engineering, electronics, automotive parts, power facilities, pharmaceuticals, food, and exhibition industries. It is through the research and practical experience of logistics needs in various industries that we have combined with Rui International to explore a complete and effective logistics operation system tailored to different needs of customers. We have quickly adjusted in actual operation to maximize the satisfaction of customers' high-quality and low consumption logistics needs. We sincerely welcome new and old customers both domestically and internationally to patronize us, hoping to provide Zuihao's products and services, and continue to develop and grow together with our customers. You only need one phone call, and we will deliver it to you at the most favorable price and express delivery method. We believe that Herui will save costs for you, create more wealth for you, and prioritize reputation and service.

  • 地址:安徽省合肥市肥西县桃花镇香蒲路安徽永凯工贸有限责任公司研发中心1栋202
  • 电话:18262108721
  • 手机:18262108721
  • 联系人:潘记伟